Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Peas Please

Cason is now 6 months! Can you believe it? Some days I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital and he's still so small. But then I get a reality check when I'm carrying him around! Can you believe he is 18 lbs! I took him to the Dr.s yesterday and he's in the 63%ile for weight and at 27.75 in. he's in the 88%ile for height. Looks like he's gonna be tall like his Daddy! To celebrate his birthday he rode in a grocery chart for the very first time! Exciting business, don't ya think? There was mostly a lot of leaning involvd- and I think his little body got tired which led to this-lots of tears. But then he got distracted-Thanks to light-weight and small objects, thank you spices-and of course his thumb-they're so portable.Overall I think it was a good experience-Happy half-birthday Cason!

This weekend we tried his first veggie-peas!! It was very exciting...not that you can tell by the look on his face-He mostly just loves to eat -just like his Daddy.
And here's a fun picture of Maestro, just because I love him so much!
For some reason that I totally love, he enjoys sitting in Cason's boppy, so cute!


Jenny said...

hahahah! that is the best pea face ever! love it... he is so cute!

Missy said...

Wowsers! What a big boy! He is sooo cute! I cant believe our little ones have hit the half year mark!

He is sooo stinkin cute! I love all of his facial expressions!