These pictures are kinda old but as I was going through pictures on my computer I thought they were too cute to skip so I'm going to add them any way! :) These were Myra's first year pictures that we got done at Fotofly in Draper. I highly recommend them if you're lookin' for a place to take your family.

These first pictures turned out so great! I was worried that Myra would be clingy and wouldn't let me put her down but for the first backdrop she did great! She was laughing and giggling and had everyone Ooo-ing and Ahh-ing.
When we were ready to move to another spot I told the photographer that since she's starting to walk that I wanted to try to get some walking pictures. So we moved to the next spot and instead of me putting her down I could feel her gripping tighter! Her legs, her hands, her everything! I could not let her go! We tried everything and it all ended up in this-tears!
We got lucky with a couple other shots but none of them were of her walking, standing, or even smiling really. And I was next to her in all of them and the photographer kept them close enough that I obviously wasn't in them. *sigh* Thank heavens the first shots turned out so adorable!

This was her last shot and it brings tears to my eyes every time. Love my sweet little girl...even if she did stress us all out for thirty minutes! :)
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