Cason was the perfect age for Easter this year! I was so excited to have him carry his little basket and find eggs and goodies to fill it with. And can you believe it all worked out that way! Saturday afternoon we had an Easter egg hunt with my sides of the family and Cason was the first one to start (and last one to finish)-It was so fun watching him walk around picking up all of these eggs and actually putting them in his Easter basket-
However he did get fixated on this little bag of goodies-
He scored big time, even more than Halloween I'd say. At the end of it all my mom wanted a picture of him and his cousin together was rough-
Once given a treat though, it was a little smoother-
Sunday morning he was all gussied up that I had to get a picture of him in his sunday outfit and his easter basket so I took the same eggs with the same treats and hid them to have him search for them all over again-
He really didn't mind. He did get a new toy, a train. He had fun picking that out of the tree-
All of the pictures we took were adorable but Travis did manage to get one picture of one tiny smile. So adorable!
Of course I wanted a family picture of us but there was no coorporation, no matter how many jelly beans he had. So when you can't beat them what do you do...
That's right, join them! Anyone else see some family resemblence??
The tears eventually settled-
Happy Easter!
A Month in Washington DC
12 years ago