Okay people, let's try this again. So we went to the zoo a couple of weekends ago and saw a ton of animals! We tigers, lions, elephants, alligators, zebras, giraffes, flamingos, bears, sea lions, rhino, birds, all kinds of fish, monkeys, oh! And penguins!! Those were my favorite, mostly cuz I had never seen a penguin before...at least that I remember. So anyway, here are some pictures of of our adventures at the Pittsburgh Zoo-
This rhino was funny cuz there a mud puddle deal by this rock and he was playing it in. He was flop himself down in it and then wiggle his body in it as if to dig himself down deeper into it. Then he'd get up, which took him like two minutes to do. Then he'd walk back and forth through the puddle and then do it all over again. It was funny to watch. This was probably the highlight of his day this little mud puddle. He probably played in tat thing all day long!
The giraffe's, they're cool. They are cool, and to tall too. They're so tall! I would love to be that tall, you could see everything. I wonder if we look like little ants to them. Wonder if they ever wanna just step on us and squoosh us cuz all we do is stand there and stare at them.
Can you see me? Hee, hee.
This is the last one I promise. I had to post this because of how crazy it is. When we got to these monkeys I thought it was so cool cuz this little guy was so close to us. I started taking his picture and then I thought, 'what is he doing?' And so I watched him closer and realized that he was peeling off the paint and eating it! I couldn't believe it. He had his little fingers up on the point and picking at it just as if I was picking at tape or something. It was unreal. If you watch it long enough and list you can hear a little girl behind us state how crazy. Even these little girls figured it out, this monkey is completely crazy!
Well that's all my friends. I don't care how old you are the zoo is cool! It was so fun seeing all the animals and see yet another thing here in Pennsylvania before we leave.
We love the zoo and are so sad we don't have one closer - especially 'cuz it would entertain Liah ALL day! We are excited to see you soon (we are expecting lots of visits)!
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