Now that Cason is getting older he seems to have graduated from baby toys and baby food and is ready for the next step. I can't believe how big he is getting and how much older he seems. Here's some of the new stuff he's been trying and loving lately:
Mashed potatoes! Loved 'em! Pushing the buttons on the tv. Now you see it-
And now you don't-after he turns it off he'll look at me like: "ta-da! Okay, now fix it Mom"
Rice, absolutely loved the rice!
He loves this mesh little bag cuz it's filled with fruit. It makes a mess but it's the perfect treat to cool down with, not to mention ease some of the pain from his gums.
Speaking of which, if you look close you might see his top two teeth pokin' through. The past week or so has been a little rough for him but they've finally cut through and are startin' to peek down, so adorable!
He loves trucks! So I finally went to the store and got him this little one and he plays with it all the time. He'll hold it and move his arm back and forth, so cute!
Cason will follow you around in the kitchen. If you open the pantry door he'll zoom towards it hoping to get to it before you close it. He also does this with drawers and of course, the fridge- I absolutely love that he's on his tip toes
Who knows what'll be next? I sure a'm excited to find out!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
new favorites
Posted by Camille at 1:45 PM 2 comments
Happy One Month!
According to Cason's scrapbook, he's only one month old. Good thing that's not how it works. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get to this point...although probably having so many pictures probably had a little something to do with it...but I'm grateful I made it. Here a couple of layouts I've done recently. Enjoy! Let's hope it doesn't take me another ten months to do month two.
Posted by Camille at 1:09 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Seven Peaks + season passes = a whole lotta fun!
This summer Cason and I got season passes to Seven Peaks and went at least once a week, it has been a lot of fun. Lucky for me Cason loves the water and never got tired going.
Last week Travis came with us for one last hurrah! We had a lot of fun. And thanks to my awesome husband he watched Cason for me so I could go on all of the "big kid slides". So much fun! Thanks Trav! You totally rock my world!
Cason loves the little kid area. He crawls all over and goes straight for the stairs and the water spraying everywhere. He seems to have n ofear seeing as how the tire swing is his favorite to crawl on-even when there are already kids playing on it.
The Lazy River has also been a favorite. Thanks to whoever invented this flotation device as it has been a huge help to me. I love swimming around in the lazy river while Cason just floats along the side of me.
The wave pool is also a favorite. He crawls around until the water gets into his mouth and then he'll sit up and look at me like, 'Mom, I could use a hand here". Then he'll walk out as far as I'll let him. The waves will splash off his little belly and into his face and he'll still continue to walk out. Like I said, no fear.
What a fantastic day!
Over all I think Cason's favorite is snack time. While I dry off and get everything together Cason snuggles in a towel with a snack, really what could be better, right?
Then every single time on our way back to the car I see his head start to bob as he falls asleep. He stays aslee from stroller to car seat to the crib, so sweet. Thank you Seven Peaks. You have been my saving grace this summer!
We hope to see you next summer!
Posted by Camille at 6:19 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Maestro Post
When we first got Maestro the breeder informed us to never cut his fur because it could ruin it because it could grow back differently-and not in a good way. Which is true because the fur on the right leg is different from the rest of his fur because of his past surgeries (and having to shave his leg). So because of this we've never taken him in to get him groomed. Well-no longer! I looked into it because every time I looked him all I saw was long, gross fur! So when I talked to the lady I made sure the groomer knew all about Maestro's breed so it wouldn't get cut too short. They went all out-bath, nails, cut, so wonderful. So here is Mr. Shag before his cut-
Posted by Camille at 11:27 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tickets? Check! Suit? Check! Awesome hat? Double Check!
It's official, Travis and I are celebrating our five year anniversary on the sandy beach of Cancun Mexico! Woot Woot! I am so excited for numerous reasons but one of those is traveling out of the United States, simply because I have never done so. I got my passport a little while ago and was so excited I read all the writing on every little page. I. Can. not. wait! So to celebrate this sweet vacation I went out and bought myself this- I have always wanted a hat like this but figured I wouldn't get one till I was much much older. Well I saw it at the store and couldn't pass it up with this awesome vacation coming up. I was so excited I've been wearing it around the house all weekend (Cason and Maestro stared at me the whole time). The vacation isn't until January but we're both pretty excited!
Posted by Camille at 11:03 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My adorable boy and the rain
Last week we were really enjoying all the rain. We wore our comfy pants, turned off the ac, opened the windows, and watched the rain fall. It was so loud that it entertained Cason forever! He sat out on the porch and listened and watched it fall. I couldn't help but wonder what he thought about it-
Also last week Cason fell in love with our mirror. He'd crawl straight to our bedroom and stare at himself-
And then give himself a kiss-
Cason's been trying all sorts of new foods. His favs are cherrios, cheese and all the mixed fruit. He's struggling with the new veggie's but who could blame him-Harvest Veg?? So gross. I still have yet to try yogurt, I honestly just keep forgetting. He's getting tired of the rice cereal so I'm looking forward to getting rid of that but then I'm not quite sure what to feed him for breakfast? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Travis was on call all week and during the weekend and he got a lotta calls. Cason was more than willing to help him out and waited so patiently for him to finish his work-
Maestro got surgery again. Turns out they think he tore his acl when he wasn't 100% healed after his knee surgery. He gets his stitches out next week so hopefully by then he'll start working normal again-
Until then he's still limping and having no fun-
I'm hoping to post healthy pics of Maestro next week. so stay tuned!
Posted by Camille at 12:25 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
back online
For those of you that noticed my blog was missing for a couple of days. Apparently Blogger does screen things because they noticed some "suspicious" activity on my account and so I had to prove it was me and that it got back up and running. So no worries to all the worry warts out there, we're being protected.
Any tips you can give us about a dog recovery from surgery would be helpful considering he has so many surgeries and since we're such bad dog owners...[girl sigs here]
Posted by Camille at 6:25 PM 5 comments